Upgrade your factory to a Smart Factory

Collect & analyze data and optimize your production processes.
Who we are

We are an experienced and ambitious team of engineers, software developers and lean consultants that have taken upon themselves the task of making the Industry 4.0 technologies widely available for all manufacturing companies.

Trusted By


Our Smart Manufacturing System, Your Custom Tailored Smart Factory Solution

Customization Is Key

We know how important it is to adapt Industry 4.0 technologies to fit the specific needs of each client.

That’s why we developed Octavic in a modular way – It allows us to easily add any new features that your specific production processes might need, and allows you to pay only for what you will use.

Octavic's Main Capablities


Manufacturing Data Collection Module

Real-time shop floor data collection

Automated Production Reporting

Real-time Alerts & Notifications

AI Data Assistant (A.I.D.A.)


Manufacturing Analytics Module

Historical Reports

Grain-of-sand level of detail

Energy Monitoring


Automated Production Planning Module

Automatic Production Scheduling Capabilities

Instant changes to production plans

Less delays due to production issues

Why choose Octavic as your Smart Factory Solution

Choosing your Industry 4.0 technologies is a demanding task, as it is a long-term decision and will impact the future of your factory. To make it simple, here is what makes us different:
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We have a well developed and robust smart factory system


But at the same time, we are (very) open to adapting to your factory’s specific needs

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And our goal is to build an end-to-end smart manufacturing solution

Join Our Partner Network

We’re always looking for new partners to work with. Whether you are a lean consultant or an automatist who’s embarked on the same journey of factory optimization, we invite you to join us!

Ready to start Your Journey to Industry 4.0?

Get in touch with our team and find out what digitalization options you have for your factory

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